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Harmony's "Forever Star Points"


It's said that only the journey is written, not the destination, but in the journey of life, we all know what our destination is. Harmony's oldest living members and our "Forever Star Points" were Sisters Margaret Iglehart and Elizabeth Freeman embraced life's journey with all their being and lived their lives to the fullest as they travelled here, there and everywhere.  


A few years ago their journey took an unexpected turn down a winding road that kept them apart for a short time, but when they reached the end of that road, they found themselves on a straight and beautiful tree-lined path of light and, so together, they journeyed to their destination where He embraced them with open arms.  


In the summer of 2013, we're all saddened by the loss of our Sisters, it's always hard to let the ones you love go, but we also rejoiced in the knowledge that Sisters Margaret and Elizabeth ARE together again and embarking on this new journey side-by-side.  When you look up at the stars, the 2 brightest, resting side-by-side, will be Margaret and Elizabeth smiling down as they journey through the heavens, together forever.

Margaret Iglehart
11/5/22 to 7/17/13

Margaret, the youngest of 9 children, was born in Cedar Grove, MD, on November 5, 1922, to James and Della Barber.  When she was about 18 months old, her mother died due to complications from pneumonia.  Margaret was then adopted by her Aunt Ola, her mother's sister, and became the much loved, doted upon only child of Ola and James Iglehart.  After the death of her father, Margaret's mother married Mr. McAtee and they moved from Maryland to Oakton, when she was about 9 years old.  After many years, Margaret and her mother moved to Lewis Street in Vienna, where, as a devoted daughter, Margaret took care of her mother for many years until her mother's death.


Margaret graduated from Fairfax High School in 1941 and went to work for the Federal Government.  She retired from the Department of Veterans Affairs in 1972.  Margaret was a long time member of the Oakton Methodist Church where she served in many capacities over the years.


Margaret began her relationship with her Masonic affiliated organizations with Bethel 9, IOJD (which met in Vienna at the time), of which she was a Past Honored Queen.  She joined Harmony Chapter #60 on February 22, 1943, making her a 70 year member in 2013.  She held many offices and was Worthy Matron in 1951-52 with John P. Levendis as her Worthy Patron.  Margaret also served as Worthy Matron 40 years later in 1991-92 with Charles Casaer as her Worthy Patron.  After that, she held other offices, most notably Chaplain and Star Point Esther, until her health prevented her from holding a station.  Margaret became a dual member of Sharon Chapter #63 and served as an officer there (most notable Star Point Martha) for many years.  She will always be remembered for her colorful "Good News" reports at the meetings, her help with setting up many of our dinners and her beautiful ritualistic work.


Margaret was also a member of the Order of Amaranth, was the oldest member in the Dogwood Shrine #3, Order of White Shrine of Jerusalem and was a member of the Ladies Oriental Shrine.  She was also a member of the Daughters of America.


It is safe to say that Margaret was a "Joiner".  We certainly know that she was a very social being.  Can't you just see her now joining in whatever heavenly groups are there for the angels?  She had may good friends and, while she may not have had close immediate family, she did have a huge extended family, all of whom adopted her again.


Margaret passed away peacefully on July 17, 2013, and is certainly finder her beloved crown in the Great Chapter on High.  She's also most likely helping Elizabeth with washing the dishes!


Elizabeth Freeman
1/31/22 to 6/28/13

Elizabeth was a dear daughter, sister, wife, mother, aunt, grandmother and great-grandmother, as well as a devoted friend.  She was the daughter of Harvey M. Cross and Occie Hutchison.  Her father was a Deputy Sheriff and Fairfax County jailer and the family lived in the house right behind the Old County Courthouse on Route 123 in Fairfax, where Elizabeth was born on January 31, 1922.  This house also housed the Fairfax County jail, so Elizabeth told everyone that she was "born in jail".


Like many in her generation, she lived through the depression, but because her father moved from the jailer's house to a farm in Fairfax, she doesn't remember suffering through the depression.  Growing up during the time, Elizabeth learned to work hard, economize and "make do".  Her mother died when she was 12, which was a tragedy in her young life, however, when her father remarried 2 years later, Elizabeth became a fast friend with her stepmother, Laura Jean, and remained devoted to her until her death at 92.  Elizabeth so loved her father "Pop" and her brother, Harvey Glennon, who flew with the Flying Tigers in China prior to WWII.


After graduation from Fairfax High School, she attened Strayer Business School and, after graduation, went to work for the Federal Government at the Navy Yard in Washington, DC.  There she made a very good friend who asked her to write to her brother in the Army in Europe.  This was George Freeman and, when he returned after the war, they were married and raised two children, Jean and Jeff.


Elizabeth was a member of Harmony Chapter #60 for 69 years and 3 days, following in the footsteps of her father, mother, stepmother, aunts and uncles.  She was a tireless worker, leader and champion of the Easter Star over the years, spreading the love and teachings to three additional generations.  Her daughter, Jean Freeman Penn, son-in-law Buddy Penn and granddaughter Kathy Penn Meldrum are members of Harmony Chapter.  Elizabeth was Worthy Matron in 1963-64 with Frank Ferguson as her Worthy Patron.  She served as Treasurer for many years and as Star Point Ruth for as long as most can remember.  Elizabeth also became a dual member of Sharon Chapter #63 and served as Star Point Ruth there for many years as well.


She also belonged to the Order of the Amaranth for over 50 years and was a hard-working member of the Dunn Loring Volunteer Fire Department Ladies' Auxiliary for close to 50 years.  Her spiritual life was very important to her and she was a member of the Idylwood Presbyterian Church where she cleaned the building, sang in the chior, planted flowers on the church grounds, helped with the bulletins, took care of "Coffee Hour", made sandwiches for the homeless, helped with dinners and decorated the church windows for Christmas.


Over the years, Elizabeth was a faithful friend to many people who will miss her caring, her hard work, and her blunt honesty.  Elizabeth joined the Great Chaper on High on June 28, 2013, and she is most likely working in the kitchen doing the dishes!




© 2016 Harmony Chapter #60 OES

Created by: Geneva Kave-Kramer PHQ, MM Bethel #9

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